Thursday, June 8, 2023


Great drive today from Caldwell to Grangeville, Idaho. Although it was drizzling or raining most of the drive, the scenery was amazing. We followed the I-95 all day and drove through small towns as we passed several rapid rivers.  There were kayaks in the rapids and lots of waterfalls. We crossed the Salmon River and saw many fishermen on the banks hoping to catch the Chinook salmon. 

We stopped once for a little break as I was getting tired of all the curvy roads, and I let Jim and Kathe know that I wasn't happy. Kathe took me out of my crate, and we walked down to the edge of the river. We took a picture of the two rivers that ran right through the rest area.

It wasn't too long before we arrived at Bear Den RV Park. I've been here before when it was over 100 degrees in the shade. But today the light rain kept the temperature in the 60's and I was glad I was wearing my fur coat.

There's lots of green grass and trees. Gianni, Bella and I are really enjoying our walks. Here's a tip: stay away from the German Shepherd in site 5, he's a scary piece of work. Tried to chase our motor home and pulled on his chain so hard that he made a face plant in the grass.

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