Saturday, June 3, 2023


It was a beautiful sunny day when I went out for my early morning walk. I gave Kathe a break and slept in until 5 AM, but she still looked a little sleepy. The RV Park is really pretty with the snowy mountains across the highway, and a warm breeze in the shade. We are now on vacation! 

The Manzanar National Historic Site is just 12 miles away from Boulder Creek, so since Kathy and Warren had never been there, they all piled into the car for the trip. There have been many changes and additions to the park since its opening in 2008.  They recently recreated several buildings which help gives a better sense of what it might have been like for the 10,000 Japanese confined here after the attack on Pearl Harbor until the end of the war in 1945. Visiting this site was a sad and sobering experience. 

After a quick snack they went for a short visit to the Lone Pine Western Film Museum which was a totally different experience. Everyone loves a good cowboy movie!

This evening my humans are going out to dinner at Seasons Restaurant to celebrate Kathy T's retirement. It will be a short celebration as it seems she was only retired for one day. They gave her a big retirement party at her office one day and promptly hired her back the next day. Bella told me it has to Adventure Capitalizing or something. Still trying to figure that one out.

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