Sunday, June 25, 2023


Okay, we have regrouped and have a plan. Not going to Alaska now, that will have to wait until next year. We are all very sad that the trip had to end, but we want Warren to be fully healed and ready to roll as soon as possible. Us doggies are just going along with the flow, new experiences and adventures are what we live for. So, we are having a good time despite what the humans are experiencing. 

The plan is to drive Warren down to the states ASAP to take a flight back to Palm Springs for surgery. We have been driving more miles a day than I'm happy about, so I start barking about every two hours. On the last two days we covered over 280 miles each day. Nobody is comfortable with the pace we are traveling, but we have to keep it up to make it to Great Falls by June 28. 

We are also trying to stay in pull-through sites to make it easier for Kathy T who is driving to park each night by herself. Tonight, we are in a very weird place called Whitecourt, Alberta. Unfortunately, they had a flood right before we arrived and there are piles of mud everywhere. It took about an hour for the man with a bobcat to move enough dirt to clear two sites. Heaven knows how we will get out of here, but it's really fun to walk in the mud. By the way, do not stick your nose into an ant hill, they will climb all over your face, and make you sneeze.

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