Thursday, June 22, 2023


We left Peace Island Park this morning at 10 o'clock. Practically the crack of dawn for this crowd. We had over 250 miles to cover today to reach the town of Fort Nelson.  As soon as we were on the road a few miles we started to notice all the smoke. There is a very large fire in British Columbia and the visibility was very poor. Not to mention the breathing! Traffic on highway 97 was speeding along as usual but we were taking it a bit slower. There are so many big rigs on this highway. Jim estimates that 95% of the vehicles that passed us on both sides of the road were huge oil, timber and heavy equipment rigs, with a motor home sprinkled in once in a while. 

Of course, it started raining, again.  I'm blaming Jim, he washed the car last night. After about an hour, the rain stopped, and the rest of the drive was clear and sunny. The most exciting sight today was a tiny black bear Kathe spotted on the side of the highway. Apparently, a few hours before us another camper saw the mama bear and 2 cubs. We missed that but the one little bear sure was cute. 

We are camped for the next two days at the Triple G Hideaway RV Resort. There is lots of grass for us doggies and some very interesting sniffs. We are lucky that we arrived today as they are expecting 86 rigs to check in tomorrow.  This is the RV Park that many of the RV Caravan companies stop so it should be interesting on Saturday morning when everyone wants to leave.  

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