Sunday, June 11, 2023


We squeezed out of our sites at Tamarack RV Resort this morning and headed out for Canada leaving all trees intact. It was a wonderful drive with lots of lakes and millions of pine trees. Everyone was worried about the border crossing, but it was easy and fast. On to our home for the night, Regency Park Resort. They use the term Resort, but there are absolutely no amenities. Just some dried grass between our site and the Taylors. Oh, and it is sort of 30-amp services, but only if we plug in the auto former. We get to choose between the microwave and one air conditioner, can't run both at the same time. Luckily, it's only for one night and the rain is cooling things off. Jim says we better get used to 30-amp service as most of the trip will be the same.

The internet is really poor tonight, going in and out and Kathe can't help me type because she stuck a knife into her paw making lunch today. That means I have to hold down the shift button for her, and the "a" key. So, I'm cutting things short so we can both go to bed. And it's Mountain Time again! 

Here is a picture of Jim driving past one of the many lakes we saw today on our way to Canada.

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