Wednesday, June 21, 2023


I'm a little under the weather today with and upset tummy. Took some yucky medicine disguised with some feta cheese and still not feeling tip top. For once I was glad just to stay home while everyone else went out exploring.

We are staying in a place called Peace Island Park and although our full hookup sites are not in the most scenic area, the rest of the park is beautiful. Today the humans went for a walk into the other side of the park where there are trees and big grassy sites. The sites over there are large, but all they have is a picnic table and a fire pit. Pretty but primitive. Taking a long walk on the nature trail, they eventually found the Peace River. Not much water as they are currently constructing a dam upstream, but still deep enough for some small boats to launch.

Later they ventured into the town of Fort St. John a few miles south of where we are staying. Kathy found the Walmart and yet another history museum. The museum was all about homesteading in North Peace. There were many really great exhibits inside the rooms of the museum and several historical cabins outside to explore. Fur trade was a very important in the early days of Fort St. John and this is a picture of a typical trapper's cabin which was one of the exhibits inside the museum.

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