Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Yes, it rained all day today. I took Kathe out this morning at 2AM, 4AM, and again at 6AM and guess what? It was raining every time. The temperature is about 46 degrees right now at 8PM and it's still raining. I don't mind the rain, and I love the warm towel that Kathe dries me with, but really all-day rain is a little too much even for a brave doggie. Not much to do for me but sit by the fireplace. 

The humans drove into Banff today for a day of souvenir shopping and dodging raindrops. Kathy T spent too much time as usual in the Christmas store, but everyone bought something to remember the trip. 

Later in the afternoon they purchased tickets for the Banff gondola ride with the rest of the tourists in town. It turned out to be a really fun and dry way to spend the afternoon. I was so cloudy that you couldn't really see anything, but once there was a break in the clouds, Jim took this picture.  Even in the rain this is a beautiful spot.

Tomorrow it's on to Jasper and the Ice Fields. Hopefully the rain will stop mid-day, and things will warm up. 

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