Sunday, June 4, 2023


Today was a nice long drive, past Bishop and Mammoth and really beautiful scenery. The amount of snow in the Sierras is unbelievable for this time of year. I must say, I slept through most of the drive. Jim and I had a bad night last night getting up and down out of bed when we should have been sleeping. Lucky me, I got to sleep in my crate for most of the trip, but Jim had to drive the motor home.

Jim was so sleepy on the drive that Kathe had to put on some 60's music to keep him awake. Believe me, Kathe singing the Beach Boys would keep anybody awake. Probably for days!

Before we crossed the Nevada border, we drove past Mono Lake.  It was as full as we've ever seen it due to the winter storms. Hard to take a photo from a moving vehicle, but maybe you can get the idea of how enormous it was.

Tonight, we are staying in Hawthorne, Nevada. It has the distinction of being the largest ammunition depot in the world. A town with a population of 2,734 and 147,000 acres of ammunition. Yikes!

Last night Kathe took this picture of the Strawberry moon from the front of our coach. Again, not a great shot but pretty good for someone in their pajamas and bare feet. She wasn't the only human out there in pajamas, but no one else had a better shot.

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