Friday, June 16, 2023


Boy it's really fun to walk around the loop here. There are 26 sites in each loop, and they are in a big circle. I walked the whole circle twice today and there is a lot to see. First of all, there are about a dozen very smelly elk walking all over the place, not to mention the squirrels and chipmunks. Paradise! Kathy took this picture this morning, when they were grazing behind our coach, but during the day they were walking everywhere like they owned the place. 

The humans decided today to take a hike to Maligne Canyon where there are five waterfalls with bridges that connect all of them.  It was a very beautiful but strenuous hike with lots of stairs to climb.  They took lots of pictures but with the slow (almost nonexistent) internet, downloading pictures takes forever. They were so tired after the hike that they stopped for lunch at the cafe along the river.

On the way home there was a "bear jam" on the side of the road. As they were leaving the canyon there were several Canadian Park rangers trying to chase a mama Grizzly Bear and two cute little cubs off the highway and back into the woods. Too bad my humans weren't allowed close enough to take a picture, but it was sure exciting to see them so soon on this trip.

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