Tuesday, June 27, 2023


In the last few days, we have covered at least 1000 miles, and we are all just relaxing tonight. Lots of beautiful fields of grains, grasses, and rape seed on the drive before we finally reached the border today. 

Border crossing was not very much fun. They took our passports and ask us to drive though a giant scanner. It flashed red and then they pulled us over for the "AG" inspector.  Both coaches got pulled over and the humans and doggies were asked to stand outside. The custom agent had a clipboard and started asking questions for a "survey." We were out there so long I started barking. I was afraid of the uniform, so I was quiet and on my best behavior from then on. 

After a short lecture on bugs, nematodes, and the bird flu, she entered our coach and came out with a load of stuff. We were not allowed to keep peppers, blueberries, green onions, tomatoes, grapefruits, lemons, limes, eggs, or any chicken that wasn't already cooked. She spent a long time searching our coach and even looked inside our coffee maker. It sure took time for her to raid both coaches, but eventually she gave us our passports back and we were on our way. She forgot to say, "welcome home!"

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