Saturday, June 24, 2023


Sorry I didn't get to post last night. It was a busy night for the humans. They had a great day in Fort Nelson at the historical museum and planned a nice leisurely afternoon in the shade. Things quickly changed.

Warren was cleaning his windshield when he fell off the ladder and landed hard on the gravel. The Kathies and Jim came running to help him, and a Fantasy tour leader from across the road started first aid right away. It became clear that Warren needed to go to the emergency room as his elbow was very painful and bleeding.

At the hospital the x-ray showed that he had broken his elbow and needed immediate orthopedic surgery.

So, last night we made a plan to end the trip and return home so that Warren could be treated in the United States as soon as possible.

We will travel as quickly as we can to return reach to Great Falls Montana and put him on a direct flight to Palm Springs. 


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