Monday, June 19, 2023


Well, the good news is that the rain has finally stopped. I had to go outside last night in the pouring rain, and let me tell you that was not fun for me or Kathe. This morning the sky was blue and we were happy to be on our way to dryer weather.  We read on Fakebook that the storm we were in yesterday caused a lot of problems and that 2 fifth wheels jack-knifed yesterday at Jasper in the snow. Glad we missed that. Our park last night was great except for the constant rain all night. Chinese water torture on the roof.

The drive this morning was on some smaller highways and things were going well. Today we were following the Taylors when all of a sudden, BANG, another rock flew at us.  This time it hit on Kathe's side of the windshield and made a perfect bullseye crack as you can see.  The picture looks small, but the damage is as large as a baseball, hopefully Jim can put enough superglue on it to keep us safe.  Now we have three cracks in the windshield. We really have had enough of these trucks throwing rocks at us! 

Still having problems with the Internet. Our Verizon jetpack is not working at all and the Starlink that the Taylors purchased for this trip pooped out the minute we left Banff. So, we are hobbling along with hotspots on all of our phones to get the blog out each night. Verizon says that maybe in Fairbanks we can get the jetpack exchanged. We can text but downloading pictures is SLOW. Only one tonight.

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