Tuesday, June 6, 2023


More driving today. Jim calls it "Blastomatic" Driving. That is when we cover a lot of ground in a short time, just like we used to do when we only had two-week vacations. As a matter of fact, as of today, we have already covered 832 miles of a planned 8609-mile journey. We will slow down a little once we get over the Canadian border.

Ok, so I promised you rain last night.  Poor Jim, after the trip to the car wash, not only did we have thunder and lightning, but enough rain and dust to completely trash the Jeep. Where is he right now? Yes, back at the car wash. Tomorrow only a 50 % chance of rain.

Here's a picture from the road today, we drove right through another rainstorm. At least the rain washed some of the bugs off the windshield. Maybe the next pictures we take won't look so spotty.

Tonight, and tomorrow night we are in Caldwell, Idaho at the Ambassador RV Park. I have my own little strip of grass, as the doggie park is too long of a walk for me.  After a long drive like today, we all just want to chill out. Me, I think the tile floor is just the right temperature for a nap.

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