Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Are you tired of me saying that we have had another long drive? Try being in a stinking dog crate all day long while bouncing up and down and trying to sleep while being tossed around. Kathe says that 
says that I better stop complaining or she's going to trade me in for a goldfish.

The drive was supposed to be a shorter one today. However, there was so much construction and 35 mph zones that the drive took just as long as yesterday. Kathy T was driving solo and there was a stretch of road with K-rails on either side of the single lane. If that wasn't scary enough, we were also diverted to the opposite side of the I-15 with big rigs coming at us full speed. Yikes! She sure is brave.

We finally arrived at the Dillon Motorcoach Resort. What a joke! This place is nothing but a concrete and gravel parking lot with a few patches of dried grass and dead trees. No one was in the office (a beat-up trailer), and no one answered the phone, so we spent 20 minutes looking for the 2 large pull through sites we paid for. We chose two sites and an hour later the manager showed up and told us to move to different sites. Kathy T gave him a piece of her mind, what a dust up! Oh, and the Resort pool, that’s across the street at the YMCA!

In the end we stayed right where we were parked with a great view of 3 beat-up trailers with a pile of old tires, tarps, kiddie pools and trash all over the sites. Motorcoach Resort, they have to be kidding! And we planned to stay here two nights. Yelp!

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