Wednesday, June 7, 2023


Not much to report tonight. We spent the day relaxing and enjoying the sunshine. Kathe tried to see if anyone wanted to go exploring in the area, but she got no reply. I took her on several long walks around the RV Park checking out all the grass strips between the coaches. Now, that's exploring! 

Last night we had a terrible windstorm which rocked the coach and did some damage in the area. There was thunder and lightning and just enough rain to mess up the Jeep. Told you so, Jim! 

One of the smaller motorhomes in the park had an awning blow almost all the way off. We stayed snug as a bug in our coach, although it was a little noisy when the rain started pounding on the roof. I didn't hear a thing.

This evening all of the humans drove to Nampa to meet with a friend for dinner. Carol N. met them at an Italian restaurant, and they had a delicious meal and spent a few hours catching up on all the news. I wish I could have gone with them. 

Well, off to bed for me as we have to get up early tomorrow for another long drive. We will be staying at a place called Bear Den in Grangeville. I really hope that I don't see any bears.

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