Thursday, June 1, 2023


If I look a little concerned, then I guess I am.  They tell me tomorrow we're leaving for a great adventure to Canada and Alaska. It will be our longest trip ever, over 8,000 miles so I think I have a reason to be a little concerned. All those days in the motor home, all those trees, and don't forget about all the animals we might encounter. Yikes! 

In between my naps I've been going over the maps and reading the Milepost book, but I can't really make heads or tails with all those numbers. Better leave that stuff up to the humans.

Jim and Kathe are all packed and ready to meet Warren and Kathy tomorrow night in Lone Pine, where we will all begin our journey. I'm really looking forward to seeing Bella and Gianni and getting into some mischief with them again this summer.

Right now, we are all so tired from packing and planning that it will be a relief to get on the road and start having some fun.

I will try to blog every night to keep you up to date on our adventure, as long as the internet is working, and they let me use the computer before the cocktail hour.

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