Thursday, June 15, 2023


Terrific drive today from Banff to Jasper National Park. Very long and curvy highway with a lot of uphill and downhill along the way. So beautiful, but with the combination of clouds and smoke none of the pictures are very clear. 

Biggest issue today was the fact that we needed fuel, and the only station large enough to accommodate our size rig was in the town of Jasper. Jim never likes to have the tank below 1/2 and today we were almost below 1/4 of a tank before we found an ESSO that was tall enough for our rig. We're all filled up now and ready for the next adventure.

We drove on the Ice Field Parkway past many glaciers and thousands of tourists at every road site pull-out. Everywhere you look there are snowy mountains, glaciers, and blue rivers and lakes. We will take the car tomorrow and go back to see the sights. It's kind of hard to park two big rigs like ours together anywhere.

The first picture was taken this morning as we left Banff. The rainstorm yesterday left snow on the mountains. The bottom picture was taken on the Icefield Parkway. There is a fire a few miles from here and the smoke makes everything cloudy too.  Hopefully tomorrow my pictures will be clearer.

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