Saturday, June 17, 2023


Even though it was a little rainy this morning the humans set out for a glacier adventure. The drive to the Columbia Icefields was over 60 miles, but the skies cleared up most of the time and they were able to see some really beautiful scenery. Lots of pine and white birch, many rivers, lakes and waterfalls. When they finally reached the Icefield Centre the glaciers were obscured by clouds, and of course it was pouring rain again.

A few minutes in the gift shop and all of a sudden, the skies cleared, and the rain stopped. They decided to take the Icefield Adventure, a ride in a giant artic cat vehicle up onto the Athabasca Glacier. It was freezing cold, and the wind was howling, but they enjoyed the experience of a lifetime. They went walking on a glacier! 

They were gone all day. They didn't return until 6:00, and us puppies had our paws crossed the whole time. But we were good doggies. 

We will all have to get up early tomorrow for a long drive to Grovedale, Alberta.  

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