Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Lucky us, we only had about 85 miles to drive today. Straight down the I-15 and even with the slow down for road work we were camped before lunch time. This RV Park is not so great, gravel sites with weeds for grass. They have new owners so maybe things will get better, I'm glad we are only here for one night.

Not much to report, except we took Warren to the airport, and he is on his way back home for surgery. He said that the TSA x-rayed his cast 3 times and tested him for gun powder residue before he was able to board. Flying is always an adventure.

The Kathies and Jim were out galivanting this afternoon, so I stayed home and rested up for tomorrow's drive. After they went to dinner at the Applebee's (no doggie bags I might add) then they went to visit some friends who were camping at another RV park in town.

Lois and Troy from Las Vegas are here in Great Falls, and they invited my humans to visit and have some apple pie and ice cream. They were staying at a great KOA Park much nicer than this one. It was fun for them to get together as they had a lot of catching up to do. They haven't seen each other for several years. What a nice coincidence, finding them right here in Great Falls.

Tomorrow morning, we leave for Dillon, Montana but we are going to stay for 2 nights. We need a welcome break from all this driving. 

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