Sunday, June 18, 2023


Of course, it was raining again this morning when we left Jasper National Park. The Elk didn't seem to mind the rain, they were all over the place. I walked by them this morning and they casually looked up at me. I was going to bark, but I decided just a growl was enough and we kept on walking. Boy, those guys are really big; they are as tall as horses with really skinny legs. I'm glad we were moving on today.

We started out towards Groveland, Alberta and noticed that we were traveling on the "Scenic Route to Alaska" also known as Highway 40. It was sure scenic. And bumpy. Lots of trees and so much rain it was hard to see anything! Then we climbed in elevation and the rain turned to snow. And more snow. Pretty soon the light dusting started sticking and we started praying that we would start downhill soon and back into the rain.

Next problem was finding our RV Park for the night. Directions were sketchy. Down a wet dirty country road only to find what looked like an abandoned ski area. Love that GPS. There was so mud that we turned around and left. Just awful. Can you imagine what Gianni, Bella and I would look like if we spent the night in the mud. Luckily, we found another park about 12 miles away with full hook ups for the night. Still raining!

Here is a picture of our coach this morning when we stopped for a break before heading to a lower elevation.

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