Friday, June 9, 2023


Left Grangeville this morning and although it was clear and sunny, that weather didn't last very long. See the huge dark clouds ahead of us? We drove right into those and more. The first thing that happened was the attack of honeybees, all over the nice clean windshield. Not that I don't feel sorry for the bees, it's just one more thing for Jim to clean. Also, it makes it hard to take any pictures because the pictures are all blurry from smashed bees and honey on the glass. Sorry, honeybees!

No one is very happy with me today. Not my fault that I can't tell the difference between Mountain Time and Pacific Time. And they keep switching it back and forth. I don't know when it's time to eat or time to sleep and apparently, I'm confusing both. Kathe didn't want to feed me breakfast at 3 AM much less when it's really 2 AM. I can see the clock, but those numbers don't mean much to me. And of course, I really need to go out after breakfast, even if its dark outside. Good news, I think they have settled on Pacific time for a while and my internal clock should settle down soon.

Tonight, we are at Tamarack RV Resort in Coeur D' Alene which is right in the middle of the city. The Park itself has lots of large pine trees and grassy areas between the sites. The best news is that we are actually here for two nights in the same place. Oh, yeah, it's raining again!

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