Thursday, July 9, 2015

Up and Down And Up and Down

Waiting for the pilot car 
Worst ride ever! Today we left Lake Christina and headed toward our next stop, Cranbrook, BC.  We drove over two Mountain Passes which were each over 5000 feet high. There were 6%, 7% and even 8% grades on the very winding roads which had me standing up in my crate most of the ride.  Not fun!  Kathe was hanging on to the sissy bar and had her eyes closed so she wasn't much help at all.

Jim's driving was great but just when we thought the worst was over we ran into the dreaded "road work" sign.  Tar and gravel for the next 7 km.  Boy, was Jim upset.  Of course the motor home was clean and the car freshly washed when we started out this morning, so it was dirt, tar and gravel bouncing everywhere.  

And while we are on the subject of kilometers, you have to be a math genius to drive here! If the speed limit says 80 they really mean about 65, then they say 60 which means about 40 in kilometer talk.  Very confusing!  Don't even get me started on bridge ceiling height, you have to quickly calculate how high in meters your motor home is BEFORE you drive under the bridge. Since I can't do math I have to leave it up to Jim and so far, so good!

The creek at the entrance to the park
It took forever to get here and then we had a little trouble locating the Mount Baker RV Park because it's in the middle of town. No swear words but a lot of hand wringing and fussing on Kathe's side of the coach. We were in our site and relaxing by about 5 PM.  We're staying here two days before we start up to Lake Louise and Banff.

It's and okay RV Park a bit too civilized for me, but it's quiet and there is a dog park.  I've already made friends with a big blond dog.

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