Sunday, July 5, 2015

Down at the Lake

Christina Lake
Today Jim and Kathe went down to visit my friends Linda, Frank and Fran at the Sunflower Bed and Breakfast and spent most of the day there.  Their place is not too far from where we are staying but too far for me to walk.  They went swimming in the warm water of the Lake. Jim and Linda went kayaking while every one else just "noodled" around.

Kathe tried to take a picture of Jim on the kayak but he was so far out that he looked like a spec on the water.  I'll help her get a better picture next time they go out.  The Bed and Breakfast is right on the lake and this is the view from their rooms.

I didn't do much today but nap at home in the air conditioning. Tomorrow we are going to rent a party boat and go out on the Lake for a half day.  They promised me that I can go with them if I promise not to dive in the water.  No brainer!  You know that if I dive in the Lake, a kitchen sink grooming is in the very near future.

Frank and Jim are going to try to fish from the boat tomorrow and the rest of us are going to picnic and play games.  I'm packing some of those peanut butter biscuits and a big bowl for ice water.  I'm going to try and stay cool.  I'm hoping with Frank in the boat that Jim will have better luck than the last time we went fishing.  I still feel sorry for all those worms.

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