Monday, July 6, 2015

A Fish Tale

What a lucky dog I am! I got to go on a party boat today with all my people.  Almost everything Kathe and Jim do, and almost everywhere they go it's NO DOGS ALLOWED! Today was different. We rented a 24 foot pontoon boat at the Lake Christina Marina and went for a half day boat ride on the Lake.  I got to go with them.  I loved being on the boat and flying down the Lake with the wind in my hair, it was like sticking my whole self out a window!

Jim and Frank took turns driving the boat and I sat on Fran's lap while we flew from one end of the Lake to the other.  We found a great fishing spot and Jim and Frank got the fishing poles out and went to work.  They had a few mishaps in the beginning and a few fish got away but then they started reeling them in.  I think there were about eleven small trout that were caught and sent back into the Lake. Linda took some great pictures of the fish and the fishermen but with the Canadian Internet we might have to wait a day to receive them. Trust me it's not just a fish tale, there were really a lot of fish caught today!

Later we stopped at a sandy beach for some exploring and for me to answer natures call.  After that the people all went swimming.  I couldn't go in because I forgot my life jacket. They looked like they were having a great time. but they didn't stay in the water very long.  I guess the water was in the mid seventies. Refreshing!

We had a picnic lunch with all sorts of people food and a couple of dog biscuits for me.  We made it back to the Marina with only minutes to spare on our rental but we all wished we could have stayed out for a whole day.

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