Friday, July 17, 2015

Pair A Dice

Pair A Dice
Kathe has found us some pretty interesting spots on this trip, but tonight she has out done herself! We're in Creston, BC, on the way to Idaho and we are spending two nights at the Pair A Dice Resort. Resort? Maybe not so much, but it is a place where the sun is shining and we have hookups!

We are all pretty tired of rain, so the blue sky and sunshine is a welcome change.  It rained so much in Lake Louise and Radium Springs that bathing me was pointless.  My hair kept getting wet and curly, so I had a reprieve for well past time for a grooming.  Kathe called a groomer in Creston and they said they were booked up into the middle of August.  Looks like it's going to be the kitchen sink for me soon.

This Creston area is known for all the fruit that is grown here and there were at least 10 fruit stands along the highway in town. Even though the fruit looks delicious, Kathe is afraid to buy too much for fear they will take it away at the border when we cross the day after tomorrow.  We will still have to eat a whole bag of cherries and a half dozen peaches if they do.

Tonight Jim barbecued the long awaited steaks.  At least I was long awaiting them, and my wish was granted!  I got a real big juicy piece all to myself!

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