Thursday, July 16, 2015

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

When I woke up this morning it was pouring.  I had things to do so I made Kathe put on her windbreaker and her furry slippers and take me for a trip around the park.  After we got back and dried off we both went back to bed and listened to the rain bouncing off the roof of the motor home.

I wasn't feeling tip top this morning, I had a stomach ache and stayed in bed all morning.  I didn't even get up when Kathe offered me some of her scrambled eggs.  And you know I'm really sick when I turn down a chicken treat.

Site 110  while the sun was shining
Later in the morning I went out to looked for some clean green grass to eat which considering it was still raining was a pretty easy thing to find.  Kathe and I got soaked again.  After we dried off, I went back to sleep in front of the fireplace.  I started feeling better after that and was able to force myself to eat a chicken treat and play a little ball.

The best part of today was that Kathe and Jim stayed home most of the day. Not because I wasn't feeling well, but because of the rain. It rained off and on all day long and even hailed for a short time. All three of us are pretty sick of being wet and cold. That's what we get for complaining so much about the hot weather in the beginning of the trip.  But this rain is really weird, it's sunny one minute and pouring the next. You think it's over and it's safe to go for a walk and then the sky opens up and you get drenched.

Kathe and Jim had to go out for dinner tonight instead of barbecuing the steaks they promised me. It's a little hard to grill steak under water! They tried an Austrian restaurant that was recommended by the people in the park and really enjoyed themselves.

A crazy woodworker built a house in the center of town.  There are always a bunch of tourists hanging around it taking pictures of it.  It's the only tourist attraction.  Jim took a picture of it for me.

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