Sunday, July 19, 2015

Beyond Hope

Lake Pend Oreille
We crossed the border this morning and we are glad to be back in the good old US of A.  We had a better experience with the US Border Patrol than we had going into Canada.  We only had to give them a grapefruit and a lemon, and they didn't even come inside to check me out.

Just beyond Sandpoint there is a little town called Hope, Idaho.  We are at a campground just a little beyond town and that's called Beyond Hope Resort. Really!  The resort is right on the banks of Lake Pend Oreille (pon-der-ray) which is the largest lake in Idaho with a surface of 148 square miles.

Our site backs up to a game preserve and there are dozens of deer all over the place.  I have already spoken to several of them and now find them quite boring.  They just eat grass, look up at me, ignore me, and continue eating grass.  I am now acting very cool when I see them, two can play this game.

One really neat thing; we think there is an eagle's nest right outside our kitchen window.  At least it looks like an eagle's nest and we can see a BIG bird with a white head moving around in the nest.

I thought that when we got back to the United States all our phone and Internet issues would be resolved- not so! Jim's pictures are somewhere in Verizon limbo and I'm still using the Park's WIFI to post this.  If I have this much trouble tomorrow night I might just give up and wait until we get to the city!  I'm buying Kathe a cell phone booster for her birthday.

It least we have Direct TV for the first time twenty days, so I can watch my Animal Planet.

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