Monday, July 20, 2015

It's a Wild Life

An Osprey Nest
First, I would like to correct myself for something I wrote last night.  The big big bird in the nest outside our window turns out not to be an eagle but an osprey.  We did a little research and while there are eagles in this area around the lake, this is definitely an osprey.  Still pretty neat!  There are young birds in the nest that make a racket waiting for breakfast. Sushi, ick!

The deer are still hanging around our campsite in the early morning and evening.  Tonight there were two does and a young buck right next to our site.  The buck ran away as soon as he heard the camera click.  The does just looked up and went on eating the grass.

My dear deer
Yesterday we were in fat city running two air conditioners and watching TV at the same time, we were congratulating ourselves on our good fortune to have 50 amp power for the first time since we left Oregon. Well, that all changed today when our transfer switch started acting up.  The transfer switch controls the shore and generator power to the coach.  It's a big problem and must be replaced as soon as possible.  We have an appointment in Coeur d'Alene to have it taken care of on Wednesday, if I don't melt into a puddle before then.

Right now we are only able to run our fans and the refrigerator and it's over 90 degrees inside. All three of us spent most of the day outside in the shade drinking ice water. When we couldn't stand it any longer, we went for a drive. We drove into the nearby town of Sandpoint with the air conditioning blasting and my head out the window.  Doesn't get any better than that! Jim saw a sign for U-pick blueberries we stopped and bought a giant bag of them.  Wonder if they ever have a U-pick dog treat place, now that would really be something I could go for.

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