Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Uphill all the Way

Lake Louise
The plan this morning was to wake up early and drive up to Lake Louise to take a hike before the crowds packed the parking lots. Well, I did get Kathe up early and out for a walk, but then it started raining and that was the end of that. Everyone crawled back into bed.

When they finally left the house they noticed that the rain did keep a lot of people away.  So, after a several loops of the parking lots, they gave up and found a spot on the street leading up to the Lake. That only added about  another 1/2 mile to the planned hike to Lake Agnes and the Tea house.

The Ranger told Jim it was a moderate hike, but this is Canada where a moderate hike is more like a mountain climb.  I know some dogs would like a hike in the woods, but count me out on this one! It was up, uphill all the way with no flat spots or downhill.  It was switchback and more switchback till they finally got to the top of the mountain.  It seemed much longer than the 2 miles but they made it, just as it started raining again! They found a couple of seats in the Tea house and had a snack while they waited for the rain to stop.
Lake Agnes

The hike was equal to climbing 123 flights of stairs and over 15,000 footsteps. The view from the top was magnificent, and almost worth the climb.  Views of the Lake and the Ski Resort from way up high.  The best part? It was down hill all the way back to the car!

I'm having fun in between the rain showers chasing rabbits and squirrels and sticking my nose into everything.  A whole bunch of dogs arrived here last night with their people on the way to Alaska. It's been fun meeting and greeting, but they are leaving tomorrow in a caravan of 24 rigs.
View of the Ski Resort

As for us, it's on to Radium Springs tomorrow where we will once again have all the comforts of home.

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