Sunday, July 12, 2015

Nice Ice

Last night after I finished my blog it started to rain.  I wanted to go out after dinner just like we always do but Kathe kept trying to convince me that we didn't have to go.  Well, maybe she didn't have to go, but I sure did.  I love the rain, I ran around and stuck my head under all the wet plants and ran through puddles until I got dripping wet. Unfortunately, so did Kathe.  Then it was time for the towels and the hair dryer to come out, as she wouldn't let me in bed until I was warm and dry.  It rained all night long and more storms are predicted.  Today it's cool enough to put on the fireplace.

I sat at home and twiddled my paws today while Kathe and Jim drove the Icefields Parkway to the Columbia Glacier Center.  Now that was a real adventure!  The Columbia Icefields are the largest ice mass in the Rocky Mountains, it's main bulk, about 10 by 15 miles straddles the Great Divide.  The ice covers about  130 square miles to a depth of over 900 feet.

Kathe and Jim took in an Ice Explorer vehicle right onto the Athabasca Glacier.  From the Glacier Discovery Center you are able to see three glaciers, Stutfield, Athabasca, and Dome.  It was a breathtaking experience being able to walk on a field of moving glacier ice formed by snow falling as long as 400 years ago.

They came home as soon as they could, but it was a 120 mile round trip and they were gone so long I was afraid they wouldn't get back in time for my afternoon walk.  I am such a good girl, I waited six hours until they returned.  TREATS please!

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