Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Over the Pass

Idaho Farms
When Kathe and I woke up this morning, or rather when I woke Kathe up this morning it was 49 degrees.  Didn't bother me much, but I had to hear her grumble and moan for the whole walk around the park.  I've got a nice fur coat to keep me warm, but I guess nothing makes her happy at 5:30 in the morning.

We hung around Winchester this morning while Jim cleaned some of the rain spots and bugs off the motor home. Kathe cleaned the inside and tried to get rid of my pine needle collection. She ran the vacuum all around me and most of my pine needles went up the tube.

White Bird Pass
We drove south today on Highway 95 past many large grain and seed farms.  The most beautiful part of the trip was driving over the White Bird pass.  It was 4.429 feet in elevation and a 7% grade for over 7 miles. I wish my pictures were a little better because it really was a spectacular view of the valley below. White Bird was the site of a famous Nez Perce Battlefield,  so you can check out the area on the Internet and even see a video of the drive we took. Google white bird pass Idaho.

We checked into the McCall RV Resort late this afternoon and now we are on Mountain Time which means you are supposed to get up even earlier than usual, I think.  Or maybe it's later, anyway Kathe's not going to like that one bit.

Payette River, McCall Idaho
We didn't get a River view site but our site has a beautiful patio and a nice green lawn. It's a short walk down to the river which is okay by me.  The park host warned us not to leave our shoes or dog leashes outside at night as there are foxes in the area that like to chew them at night.  Imagine that!

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