Saturday, July 18, 2015

Last Night in Canada, Eh?

Kootenay Lake 
It was another sunny day Creston, BC.  The weather is so nice that I didn't even mind getting a bath this morning.  I was really looking kind of scruffy and I was a little self conscious about being stinky too!  Now I'm all beautiful again and ready for crossing the border tomorrow.

Today Kathe and Jim did some sight seeing in Downtown Creston.  First they went to the weekly Farmers Market and saw all the beautiful produce grown here that they can't take back to the US. They did find a lady selling homemade caramels and they might eat them all before they leave Canada, just in case.

An old time permanent wave machine
They took a stroll down Main Street which took all of 15 minutes (both sides) and decided to visit the historical Creston museum.  They enjoyed the guided tour which consisted of lots of antique farm equipment, a one room school house and a fur trappers cabin.  In one exhibit they saw antique veterinarian tools and an antique beauty parlor in another.  Sounds like a whole bunch of old stuff to me. Jim enjoyed seeing a pipe machine that made logs into pipes to carry water, and Kathe had fun looking at dresses and hats in a 1908 Sears and Roebucks catalog.

They came home to have lunch with me before heading out for a drive to Kootenay Lake.  The lake was formed in 1931 when a dam was built on the Kootenay River creating one of the largest lakes in British Columbia.  The lake originally seasonally flooded a marsh to the south of the lake, but that area has now been diked for commercial agriculture.  That's why there are so many delicious cherries, apples, peaches and berries grown in the Creston Valley.


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