Friday, July 10, 2015

A Day Back in Time

Fort Steele Cafe

What a surprise we had this morning.  We thought we were getting up early at 8 AM but when Kathe looked at her cell phone it was already 9 AM.  Somewhere between here and there we lost an hour in British Columbia and we never found it.  We were running behind all day.

The reason we chose to stay in Cranbrook before heading up to Lake Louise was so that we could prepare for our 4 days in the wilderness without hookups.  We are supposed to have electricity, in Lake Louise, but it may only be a 20 AMP circuit, and we don't think there is water or sewer at the campground.

I told you last night that Kathe isn't feeling tip-top and today she tried to find a Canadian doctor but there is such a shortage of doctors in the area, no one would see her.  She was told to go to the emergency room at the hospital in Cranbrook. When they told her it was going to cost $900 to see a doctor there, she was cured right on the spot.  She says she wasn't THAT sick.  I guess Canada has a great health care system, but only for Canadians.

After that adventure they went shopping and started the laundry.  That's usually when I get dumped into the kitchen sink for a bath, but they forgot about me and I had a nice afternoon relaxing and snacking on chicken treats.

Kathe and Jim went out to see the Fort Steele Heritage Town which was about a 7 kilometer drive from Cranbrook.  It is a living history site with 60 restored buildings which is like a step back into the 1890's.  There are people dressed in period costumes that work in the various shops and greet you as you walk through the town. Kathe and Jim
The barber shop on Main Street
met the school teacher, the baker, blacksmith, and the town dressmaker. It's too bad they got such a late start, they would have liked to have spend more time there.

When they came home, I ended up in the sink and got a surprise bath.  They never give me a bath in the evening, ever.  But the universe provides--it started raining just after Kathe finished drying me. Now I look worse than I did before she started!

Please don't worry if I don't post for the next four
days.  If we don't have Internet I will just take pictures and catch up when we are back in civilization.

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