Tuesday, June 30, 2020


This morning the fog was so thick that I needed a rub down after my morning walk. I was so wet that I left paw muddy paw prints on the kitchen floor. It's the kind of weather that makes you want to crawl back into bed and stay there till the sun comes up. Which is exactly what we did.

When the sun finally broke through at about 11:00 nobody was motivated to do anything. Some ideas were floated around, but nothing was planned, and seems like that was okay too. I guess they just wanted a day to do nothing for a change.

The most exciting thing to happen today was a trip to the Fred Meyers store to stock up on some supplies. After that, the Kathies and us doggies retired to the She Shed for some coloring, needlepointing and napping. Warren and Jim spent the whole afternoon cleaning their coaches. It's funny to listen to them comparing cleaning tips and discussing the best way to do this and that. I'm sure it will probably be foggy and wet again tomorrow morning, so they will have to start all over again. But, tomorrow morning we say goodbye to the ocean and head inland to McMinnville, Oregon where we will spend the 4th of July.

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