Tuesday, June 9, 2020


After a beautiful morning walk around the campground, meeting my four legged neighbors, I was content to sit around with my humans while they drank their coffee. Didn't take long before they formulated a plan for today and left me home in the coach.

First up today was a trip into Solvang for some shopping and appleskievers! Once that was accomplished they wandered through the town and made some purchases. Pretty much everyone here was wearing a mask as the stores required them. There weren't many people in town, so social distancing really wasn't an issue. Main Street was closed to autos and workers were erecting shade areas with tables and chairs in the street. Getting ready for the tourists this summer.

After leaving Solvang they stopped at the Ranch Market on the way to Santa Inez for a tri-tip lunch and some wine shopping.  Of course, they forgot to bring any tri-tip home me.

They were trying to see as many things today as possible, so after Santa Inez they stopped to see the miniature horse farm.  And if that wasn't enough for one day, they continued up to Los Olivos for some wine tasting.  None of the tasting rooms were open yet, that will have to wait until next week.

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