Monday, June 15, 2020


Today's adventure was a road trip south on the 101 to take a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge. Big deal, I told them I'd rather stay home and wait for the pictures.

They drove just north of the bridge and took their pictures. It was clear and windy so the bridge was easy to see from a vista point in Battery Park. As they drove through the park they found out that back in the early 1900's this was one of the main protection points for the San Francisco Bay.  There were multiple large guns that were operated by the military. There was even an abandoned NIKE missile site museum. Today some of the military buildings have been turned into a 5 star hotel that overlooks the bay.

Next, they drove to Sausalito where most of the stores were still closed, and only a few restaurants were open. Warren stopped for some specialty coffee that he remembered from his last trip to the area.

By the time they finished all that, it was lunch time. Not many places were open, but they managed to find a place called, Pacific Catch, in Corte Madera. After a delicious lunch on the patio, they all returned home for a nap. Napping is something I do better than any of them!

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