Sunday, June 28, 2020


I just brought Kathe back from our walk this morning when it started pouring rain. We both went back to bed until the sun came out. Then Kathy T knocked on the door with a suggestion that they all pile in the car and drive North to check out the Lighthouse we saw from the beach last night. Doggies were not invited.

One of the places that where we were supposed to stay before Covid was in Newport, so they drove 40 miles, all the way up there to see what they were missing. There was a Farmer's market in the town of Yachats along the way. It looked interesting so they stopped. Warren bought all kinds of dried mushrooms and squash, while Kathe bought strawberry blossom honey, purple raspberries, and some Rainer cherries. You know these guys  have to stop at every Farmer's market or else we would starve.

Afterward, they stopped at a State Park called Devils Churn and took a walk down the cliff and saw the waves banging against the rocks. Jim and Warren walked all the way down to the bottom to get this picture.

Since the Lighthouse at Yachats was boarded up and inaccessible, they drove back home to Heceta Beach, where they saw the beam from the Lighthouse last night. They walked  up the cliff to the historic, and still operating Lighthouse which on the cliff overlooking Heceta Head.

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