Friday, June 12, 2020


It does smell like garlic as you drive through this town! While the RV Park doesn't smell like garlic, I doubt if we will ever stay here again. There aren't a whole lot of other choices on Highway 101, and we are glad we're only here for one night.

We stayed here in Gilroy so that the humans could drive to Moss Landing and have dinner at Phil's Fish House. It's a Taylor favorite. They were afraid that with the Covid restrictions the restaurant might be closed. Fortunately, it was open for take out and they had lots tables placed outside. Everyone seemed happy when they returned, so I guess it all worked out. After dinner they walked out on the sand to see the ocean.

We had a little issue this morning when we arrived. When Jim went to hook up the sewer connection, a mouse jumped out of the sewer hose. WHAT! 
Yes, either the mouse jumped into the wet bay yesterday at the last stop and rode along with us. Or, he was swimming down in the sewer and tried to get out into our hose. Warren sprayed water on him and he went down into the sewer. YIKES! It's always an adventure traveling with my humans!

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