Monday, June 8, 2020


The day started out just fine.  Sunny, and a little windy,  Kathe and Jim put so much stuff in the Jeep that there was hardly any room for me. I had to ride all the way to Simi Valley on Kathe's lap.  Once we got to the motor home I watched while they tried squeeze it all that stuff into the cabinets and closets.  Too much stuff! They probably will need the whole two months to remember where they put things.

So lets finish the sentence, "It wouldn't be a motor home trip if something didn't go wrong."  Well, first off, one of the GFI's wasn't working properly, and the stove top and the wine cooler didn't have power.  A quick call to Uncle Mark the electrician, and I think Jim will be able to fix that one himself.

Next, we get about 15 minutes down the road and Jim looked at the tire monitor and saw that the tire pressure on one of the inside tires was down to 60 pounds. NOT GOOD! It's supposed to be 100 pounds. Thanks to Google they found a truck tire repair place about 20 minutes away. The technician couldn't find a leak so they aired up the tire, and we were on our way again.

By the time we got here it was after 4:00 and all three of us were toast.  I won't even tell you about all the problems Kathe had directing Jim into our site.  We are here in Solvang and that's enough for today!

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