Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Woke up this morning to some excitement, a racoon attack next door. Warren heard some noise and watched as a racoon climbed up the tree next to his coach and knocked down his two bird feeders and a hummingbird feeder. First, from the looks of all the trash on the road, he hit the dumpster and then enjoyed the bird seed for dessert!

Sunny day today, clear and cool. Perfect day for a bike ride. But first they went into the town of Trinidad for some shopping and a walk down to the fishing pier. There were lots of crab boats in the harbor, but on the boat ramp we saw two otters eating fish. They watched as they jumped into the water and came up with fish in their mouths. Warren got an awesome picture of one of them clinging to an anchor.

After a lunch on the pier, my humans were final ready for that much anticipated bike ride. Kathe was a little wobbly at first, but she managed to survive. They rode from the RV Park down into Patrick's Point and all through the Park. The campground just opened yesterday and some lucky people were moving into the Park. Not open for us though, we are longer than the 31 foot limit for campers. Tomorrow, it's on to Oregon!

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