Saturday, June 13, 2020


It was a long and bumpy drive today from Gilroy to Petaluma, California. I thought that Interstate 5 was bumpy, but the 101 is just as bad in just as many places. We drove north to the Benica-Martinez Bridge, avoiding the truck traffic and the Golden Gate Bridge. No one wants to drive a 40 foot motor home with a jeep attached through San Francisco!

For the most part it was an easy trip until we reached Sears Point Road and lots of traffic. It's a one lane road along San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge. There are always beautiful white egrets in the water as you drive by. Today one took flight right in front of our motor home.

As for Sardine-Land, that is what we named this RV Resort. We are packed in here with hardly any room between coaches. There are over 300 spaces but the "escort" brought us to our space and actually directed Jim into a pine tree.  No damage to the RV, but we are going to do a little midnight tree trimming tonight.
Jim is pretty famous for that!  

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