Sunday, June 21, 2020


I thought it was raining this morning at 6:00 when I took Kathe out for my walk. It wasn't rain but a thick fog that got us both soaking wet. I have a raincoat somewhere in the coach and I guess we better find it if every morning is going to be like this.

The fog put a crimp in the plan to take a bike ride down to the State Park today.  The bikes were dripping wet. Never fear, plan B, they drove down to the park and explored in the Jeep. Patrick's Point State Park was open for visitors but the camp-grounds not open yet because of Covid. This is one of the great views from the cliffs above the ocean.

It is a beautiful Park, lots of ferns, wild iris, rhododendrons, and huge pine trees. They filmed Jurassic Park here and it's still so wild you might just see a baby dinosaur pop out of the woods.

After exploring the Park, they went exploring in the town of Eureka, looking for a new bike tire for Jim and some clam chowder and crab cakes for lunch. The guys are planning to go back into the Park at low tide to explore the tide pools before dinner.

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