Thursday, June 11, 2020


Today was a driving day. Not too long of a drive, a little over 150 miles on Highway 101 for a one night stay in Greenfield, California. I spent the day napping in my crate while the humans battled the traffic and road construction.

When we drove along the coast near Oceano the temperature dropped, but now here at the Yanks RV Resort its almost 100 degrees and there is a screaming wind. I hope that it quiets down tonight or none of us will get any rest!

On our drive today we past areas with golden hills and beautiful oak trees, before driving into areas of agriculture. Lots of Strawberries, Peppers, Cabbages, and of course miles of vineyards. You can really see where the water flows. The scenery goes from golden brown to bright green.

Cutting this short as the internet is very slow, I'm tired of waiting for it and it's time for my dinner!

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