Thursday, June 25, 2020


A long time ago the Kathies made reservations at Harris Beach State Park, choosing two beautiful ocean view sites. When the Parks in Oregon were closed for Covid  and they posted online that they weren't going to be open until July. The girls canceled those reservations and made the ones here in Brookings. Now, they have opened the State Parks and we are out of luck! Today they drove up the coast to Harris Beach and checked out what might have been. Wow, we will just have to come up here again and stay there next time. You can see by this picture it's pretty spectacular at Harris Beach.

After that depressing turn of events, they drove down to Brookings Harbor to see if there was anything open for a late lunch. It's a very popular commercial and charter fishing boat area. They had lunch in the sun overlooking the harbor and watched the brown pelicans diving for fish. They saw several fishermen dividing up the catch of the day on their boats. Each man went home with a huge bag of fresh caught salmon filets. Unfortunately, they weren't selling any of the fish they caught.

Jim and Warren just had to have some fresh fish too, so it was off to the fish market. They drove to the end of the pier to a market which sold fresh fish right off the boats.
Winner, winner, fish dinner!

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