Sunday, June 14, 2020


While Bella, Gianni, and I stayed back at the coach today, the humans went on separate adventures. Us doggies have been having a lot of fun walking up and down the hills here in the RV Park, but I picked up so many stickers and leaves in my fur this morning I had to be brushed within an inch of my life. Then, I was dumped into the kitchen sink for a bath. I look pretty good right now, but believe me, it's not going to last.

Kathe and Jim drove to Santa Rosa to visit Uncle Mark, Aunt Vicki and my cousin Jake. They spent the afternoon at their house, socially distancing on their beautiful patio.  They haven't seen each other since Christmas, so there was a lot of catching up to do. Kathe and Jim came home with some lettuce, lemons, oranges, and green onions from Mark's garden. Warren made a fantastic salad with the greens for dinner tonight.

Warren and Kathy made a trip to Bodega Bay this afternoon, along with hundreds of other Sunday tourists. It was very foggy  but they were able to take this picture of a driftwood sculpture of a mother whale and her calf. They brought back some oysters which Warren cooked on the grill this evening with shallots. I didn't even get a taste!

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