Monday, June 22, 2020


Another foggy morning, so the bike ride was postponed again for another day. However, Kathe decided to make use of the time and stuck me in the kitchen sink for a bath while doing three loads of wash. After that ordeal, the Taylors came over and they made an alternative plan for the day.

They packed some snacks and headed North to Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park for a hike into Fern Canyon. Kathy T read about it, but forgot to tell us that the road to the trailhead was a seven mile, mostly single lane dirt road, into the forest before we reached our destination. The drive was a wild one through a Redwood Forest. The older trees were cut down many years ago, but smaller Redwoods were growing out of the stumps that were left behind. Fascinating how thick and green the forest was right down to the ocean.

Along the ocean, at the bottom of the canyon they stopped for a snack lunch before driving to the Fern Canyon Trailhead. It would have been an easy hike but most of the trail was in the stream and they had to jump the rocks and climb over trees. It was really worth the effort. The ferns were everywhere on the walls of the canyon, luscious and green and dripping with water from above. That's were the soggy part comes in, walking through water, but it was fun and the shoes and socks are already dry.

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