Sunday, June 7, 2020


We've been staying home for so long that I'm sick of my own back yard. It's time to get out and see something different!

I've been studying the map and pulling my hair out trying to make some plans. It's very frustrating! This Covid 19 thingy has everyone scared to go anywhere. We started planning this trip last summer, but we've had to make many changes to our itinerary. Several of the resorts and campgrounds have new rules and regulations for visitors and have cancelled our reservations. Some places are still closed to out of state visitors. Who knows, we might really have an adventure this summer!

I'm really looking forward to spending time with my friends, Lady Bella and Gianni, and their humans, Warren and Kathy. They warned me ahead of time that a lot of things will not be open and that we will be spending most of the time around the campsite. No restaurants and no doggie bags for me.

The good news is that I can finally get out of my yard and start exploring the sights and sniffs of the open road.

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