Sunday, June 30, 2024


Most wonderful drive today from Teslin, Yukon to Skagway, Alaska. Kathe took lots of pictures through the windshield bugs, I hope you get the idea, it was spectacular. We didn’t have any traffic, and most of the drive we were the only ones on the road. Warren spotted this black bear of the side of the road and we almost got his picture before he ran back into the woods.

When we crossed the border into Alaska we were stopped for an agricultural inspection. There were several motor homes stopped at the same time so the inspector was working fast. Didn’t get much from our fridge, just one lemon and some little peppers. Unfortunately, we were looking forward to stocking up once we got to Skagway. There is only one tiny grocery and they had very little in the way of groceries and no fresh produce. Anything they did have was very expensive. People say the locals take the Ferry to Haines to shop. We will have to do that to avoid bankruptcy and/or starvation.  Lucky for me they still have chicken in the freezer.

The RV Park is sandwiched in between a shipyard and the cruise ship dock. Not so great. There are 3 cruise ships in port tonight. Oh, and on the other side of the road is the railroad station for the tourist train. Our site was right up against a fence and so narrow we were hanging out into the road. A lot of discussion with the park manager and we now have a better site. But that is only for 3 days, then we will have to move. Where?? The good news is that there are no mosquitoes here.

No cocktails tonight, they are going to a Brewery. I’ll turn in early.

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