Sunday, June 2, 2024


Here we go again They tell me we are going to Alaska for the whole summer. Sounds like I heard that one before, but this time they assure me that we are going to make it all the way. Keep your paws crossed!

We are starting up the coastal route this time and will cross into Canada from Washington, so that's a change from last year.  I have my doggie passport so I shouldn't have a problem at the crossing, but I'm keeping my Mountie with me just in case I have trouble. 

We are going with the same cast of characters as last year, Kathy, Warren, Bella and Gianni Taylor and of course my humans, Kathe and Jim. I'm another year older and have a few more problems, but I still know how to have fun on a road trip. Just thinking of all the adventures makes my gray whiskers twitch. Squirrels, Elk, and Moose, up close and a bear or two from my window. Things are looking up; just hope I can stay awake, long enough to enjoy the ride.  I do really enjoy my naps!

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