Sunday, June 23, 2024



More rain last night and much of today. They say this area gets about 72 Inches of rain a year, too bad most of it’s been this week. The adventure today was a drive up to the Bear Glacier. No doggies allowed again. Who wants to sit in the back seat with 3 wet doggies. Guess that’s not really a question. 

Anyway, they had fun without us exploring along the road to the glacier and taking pictures of the many waterfalls and glacier lakes along the highway. Warren found a trail that took them down closer to the glacier along the lake for some great pictures.

So cold today that lunch was soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, just to warm up after the walk along the chilly lake in the drizzle. Jim and Kathe took so many pictures that it was hard to choose only two tonight for my blog.

Cocktail tonight was “Not Your Caribbean Mama.”

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